The Public Health and Social Research Unit (PHSRU) produce annual population profiles (formerly data packs) for each of the three Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in West Sussex and their constituent localities. These profiles are a powerful resource to examine variations in the health and wellbeing of people across each CCG at a localised level, and help to identify potential priorities for change.

Click on the links below to access the West Sussex CCG pages.

These profiles contain information about the size of the local population, population demographics (age and sex, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation etc.), births, life expectancy, causes of death, deprivation, smoking, physical activity, childhood obesity, mental health, alcohol, conditions managed in primary care, emergency admissions and results from the GP patient surveys.

From 2015/16, the profiles were redesigned to make it easier for users to access information quickly and easily. You can now find data by clicking on the CCG page you want to find out about and navigating to the appropriate section. To see the archived data packs click here or choose archived CCG data packs from the menu.

In addition to data that is collated by the PHSRU, there are a number of resources created by other organisations (e.g. NHS Digital (formerly HSCIC), Public Health England) to help CCGs understand the needs of their local population. This includes resources to describe the quality of healthcare services and health related outcomes, comparisons with similar CCGs or areas, as well as wider determinants of health and wellbeing. See our Additional Resources pages for more details.