
Accessing this website

We are committed to ensuring everyone can use this website and have developed the site to suit different user needs. In this section we explore ideas for making the site more accessible and at the end have listed links to more detailed information on different devices. Please get in touch if you have ideas for improving the accessibility of the site or if you have any other questions – we’d like to hear from you.


Introduction to the site

JSNA stands for Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. The JSNA involves carrying out research and publishing reports and statistics on health and social care. This site primarily pertains to West Sussex, a county in the UK. However, we also provide regional and national data sets where appropriate.

The site has a main menu along the top of the page with eight key sections to explore, each section has multiple sub pages within. Within these sub pages there is a core dataset of documents that can be downloaded. These are usually Excel or Word documents.

Increasing Accessibility

These are some of the most common adjustments that you can make to increase access, depending on what makes things easier for you:

  • Speaking websites. There are a number of programmes available that enable your computer to talk to you.

Microsoft Windows comes with a basic screen reader called Narrator, which reads text on the screen aloud and describes some events (such as an error message appearing) that happen while you’re using the computer. You can find more information on how to use Narrator on the Microsoft website

There are also a number of Screen Reader programmes with more features, such as the capability to read whole documents. Some of the most popular include:

- [NVDA](
- [WebAnywhere](
- [SuperNova](
- [VoiceOver](
- [Firevox](
- [Satogo](
- [Orca](
- [JAWS](

For Mac users, MacOS has a built in speech to text function, which you can access by going to ‘System Preferences’ and selecting ‘Universal Access’.

  • Magnifying the screen. All recent versions of Microsoft Windows include magnification software. This allows you to greatly increase text size, although this will be restricted to only a small proportion of the screen. To use Windows magnifier, click on ‘Start’ then select ‘Programmes’ followed by ‘Accessories’ and ‘Magnifier’. You can then select the amount of magnification you want from the dialog box that will appear on screen.

For Mac users, you can select the screen magnifier option by going to ‘System Preferences’ and selecting ‘Universal Access’.

Mobile devices

This website has been designed so as to be viewable on all devices using a “mobile first” design philosophy. Neverless, some media embedded within these pages may be more easily viewable on a larger screen. We recommend using at least a tablet sized device to view this website.

narrator: “Link to Windows Narrator”