Area Covered
The information in this profile has been grouped by GP registered population for the localities of the Coastal West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group (Coastal West Sussex CCG) as shown in the map below. Where this is not possible, information is grouped by local authorities in the Coastal West Sussex CCG region. This includes the whole area of Adur, Arun, Chichester, and Worthing as well as part of the local authority of Horsham.
Note that Horsham district is covered jointly by the Coastal West Sussex CCG and Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG boundaries. Where Horsham data is presented, this represents the whole of Horsham and not just the area covered by Coastal West Sussex CCG.
Click the locality names in the table below to see the location of GP surgeries within each area. Note that GP surgeries are often subject to changes in operation/management structure. Whilst these pages are reviewed regularly, recent changes may not be reflected immediately in the maps and tables.
If you cannot see the map, please click on this link and use the back button of your browser to return to this page.