This section includes information about the environment including air quality and household waste.


Local carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions estimates 2005 - 2011

Date added: 07/08/2012

Local CO2 emissions estimates for 2005-2011, represented per capita and raw figures by industry.

Local carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions estimates 2005 - 2011, Excel Spreadsheet.

Residual waste per household (2007- 2009)

Date added: 07/02/2011

Average kilos of waste not sent for recycling/composting etc, collected per household by district for two years.

Residual waste per household (2007- 2009), Excel Spreadsheet.

Environmental health services: Reconnecting public health

Date added: 16/07/2013

The first report of its kind, this reports brings together key environmental factors, which affect Public Health in West Sussex.

These are air quality, fuel poverty, water quality, alcohol control and noise control.

A separate section on the emergent issue of increasing public awareness of food hygiene standards when eating out follows this.

Environmental health services: Reconnecting public health, Word document.

Please note: we are currently updating the West Sussex JSNA site so please check back soon for updates.