This section contains information and data sets about the young people living in West Sussex.

The What About YOUth? survey is a national survey of 15 year olds in England asking about their health and wellbeing. In West Sussex, 1,100 young people took part in the survey. The infographic below shows some of the key indicators from the survey for young people in West Sussex compared to England for 2014/15.


CLA Rate - West Sussex and Statistical Neighbours 2016

Date added: 01/02/2017

This table and graph show the number of Children looked after per 10,000 children aged under 18 in West Sussex and statistical neighbours for the year 2007-2016.

CLA Rate - West Sussex and Statistical Neighbours 2016, PDF document.

CPP Rate - West Sussex and Statistical Neighbours 2015

Date added: 01/02/2017

This table and graph show the number of children who are the subject of a child protection plan per 10,000 in West Sussex and statistical neighbours for the year 2007-2015.

CPP Rate - West Sussex and Statistical Neighbours 2015, PDF document.

CIN - West Sussex and Statistical Neighbours 2015

Date added: 01/02/2017

This table and graph show the number of Children in Need per 10,000 in West Sussex and statistical neighbours for the year 2009-2015.

CIN - West Sussex and Statistical Neighbours 2015, PDF document.

What About YOUth - Graphic PHSRU

Date added: 01/02/2017

This infographic was produced using data from the What About YOUth survey of 15 year olds. The survey focused on health, behaviours and wellbeing.

In West Sussex, approximately 1,100 young people too part in the survey.

This infographic shows West Sussex data compared to England.

What About YOUth - Graphic PHSRU, PDF document.

Progression to higher education from low income families (2006 - 2008)

Date added: 07/02/2011

Percentage of students in low income families progressing to higher education at age 18 for academic years ending 2006-2008.

Comparisons with neighbouring authorities included.

Progression to higher education from low income families (2006 - 2008), Excel Spreadsheet.

West Sussex mental health needs assessment (children and young people) June 2014

Date added: 16/06/2014

This needs assessment looks at the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people in West Sussex; in the main people aged 0-18 years of age, in some instances up to 25 years.

The information collated aims to answer some basic questions:

  • What are the characteristics of the population aged 0-24 years in West Sussex?
  • What are the risk factors and protective factors affecting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of the population?
  • What are the mental health, emotional and behavioural conditions and needs requiring commissioned services?
  • What services are currently provided to meet those needs?
  • How well are services currently provided to meet those needs?
  • What gaps/barriers, if any, need to be addressed?

While a range of data have been collated, at the heart of this work are the experiences and views of children and young people, parents, carers and professionals. The needs assessment was conducted by researchers in the Public Health, Health and Social Care Commissioning Directorate, with consultation fieldwork undertaken between October 2013 and December 2013.

West Sussex mental health needs assessment (children and young people) June 2014, PDF document.

Looked after children needs assessment

Date added: 06/07/2012

A comprehensive needs assessment of vulnerable and Looked After Children in West Sussex, focussing on social care services, physical and mental health, housing, lifestyle and education.

Produced in 2008 by NHS Sussex.

Looked after children needs assessment, PDF document.

Evidence and engagement with children and young people in West Sussex 2014

Date added: 25/07/2014

To inform the Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Needs Assessment, 2014, engagements were held with children and young people across the county in the Autumn of 2013.

In addition, an online survey was developed to capture the views of young people.

Within the discussion groups were upper and lower tier service users, members of the Children in Care Council and young people from secondary schools throughout the county.

This report is one of a three part engagement; the others being with ‘Parents / Carers of those involved with CAMHS’ and with ‘Professionals involved with CAMHS’ in West Sussex.

Evidence and engagement with children and young people in West Sussex 2014, PDF document.

Evidence and engagement with parents/carers of young people involved with CAMHS in West Sussex 2014

Date added: 25/07/2014

To inform the Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Needs Assessment, 2014, engagements were held with parents and carers of young people involved with CAMHS across the county in the Autumn of 2013. In addition, an online survey was developed to capture the views of parents and carers.

This report is one of a three part engagement; the others being with ‘Professionals involved with CAMHS’ and with ‘Children and Young People across West Sussex’.

Evidence and engagement with parents/carers of young people involved with CAMHS in West Sussex 2014, PDF document.

Evidence engagement with professionals involved with CAMHS in West Sussex 2014

Date added: 25/07/2014

To inform the Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Needs Assessment, 2014, engagements were held with professionals across the county in the Autumn of 2013.

In addition, an online survey was developed to capture the views of professionals from a broad range of organisations.

This report is one of a three part engagement; the others being with ‘Parents / Carers of those involved with CAMHS’ and with ‘Children and Young People across West Sussex’.

Evidence engagement with professionals involved with CAMHS in West Sussex 2014, PDF document.

Eye health - baseline evidence and service data

Date added: 12/09/2013

With a National Eye Health week established, this report on eye health presents information on the prevalence on eye conditions as well as information on sight tests by service user groups, cataract operations and the number of people registered blind in West Sussex.

Eye health - baseline evidence and service data, Word document.

Quality assurance of children’s residential care: Service level summary 2013

Date added: 28/06/2013

Service level summary on the quality of care provided by 7 children’s residential care units in West Sussex. This summary provides an overview of the project with selected results presented.

Quality assurance of children’s residential care: Service level summary 2013, PDF document.

Child disability mapping project survey report

Date added: 24/05/2013

Report looking into parents experience and opinion of services for children with a disability.

A questionnaire-based postal survey was sent to 642 families known to have a child with a disability and covers 3 key areas:

  1. Care and support received by families over the last 12months. Parental rating of satisfaction of services, extent to which services met their child’s needs, rating of quality of social services and level of awareness of services available.
  2. Information and advice about their child care. Opinion from parents on obtaining information on their social care needs and services provided.
  3. Decision made about their child’s care over the last 12 months. This section covers aspects of decisions made by social care professionals including satisfaction with decision and whether they or their child were consultant.

Child disability mapping project survey report, PDF document.

Analysis of the West Sussex 2011 Year 11 cohort

Date added: 24/08/2012

This report looks at educational attainment of Year 11 Pupils in 2011 at Key Stage 4 (GCSE) along with pupil progress in core subjects (English, Maths and Science) between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4.

79% of students achieved 5+ A-C grades in all subjects, while 59% of students achieved 5+ A-C grades when including English and Maths.

This is similar to the national figures but compares averagely with neighbouring counties.

The results also show that there is a strong correlation between social deprivation and educational attainment, particularly for Maths and Science.

Variations in attainment were also observed between districts with a higher percentage of pupils from Horsham achieving grade A*-C compared to pupils in Adur.

Exclusion from school either temporarily or permanently is associated with poorer attainment. Pupils that have been excluded (between September 2007 and December 2010) were 3 times less likely to achieve 5+ A*-C grades (including English and Maths) compared to non-excluded pupils.

Analysis of the West Sussex 2011 Year 11 cohort, Word document.

Lifestyles of 14-15 year olds in West Sussex 2015

Date added: 17/11/2015

Lifestyles of 14-15 year olds in West Sussex 2015

Lifestyles of 14-15 year olds in West Sussex 2015, PDF document.

Under 18 and under 16 conception rates 2010

Date added: 04/05/2012

Under 18 and under 16 conception rate for West Sussex and England based on mother’s usual area of residence.

Under 18 and under 16 conception rates 2010, Excel Spreadsheet.

Please note: we are currently updating the West Sussex JSNA site so please check back soon for updates.