Illness and Disability Data

Data relating to specific conditions and disabilities can be found in a number of places on this website.

For example, if you are looking for information relating to a specific CCG, then click on the West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group pages and navigate to the CCG of interest.

For information relating to county level, topics have been categorised into the headings: starting & developing well, living & working well, and ageing well.

This page has been created to provide an index of where information on particular topics can be found.


Child disability mapping project survey report

Date added: 24/05/2013

Report looking into parents experience and opinion of services for children with a disability.

A questionnaire-based postal survey was sent to 642 families known to have a child with a disability and covers 3 key areas:

  1. Care and support received by families over the last 12months Parental rating of satisfaction of services, extent to which services met their child’s needs, rating of quality of social services and level of awareness of services available.
  2. Information and advice about their child care. Opinion from parents on obtaining information on their social care needs and services provided.

  3. Decision made about their child’s care over the last 12 months. This section covers aspects of decisions made by social care professionals including satisfaction with decision and whether they or their child were consultant.

Child disability mapping project survey report, PDF document.

Modelled adult obesity prevalence 2006 - 2008

Date added: 03/02/2012

Percentage of Adults (aged 16+) who are obese from 2006-2008.

Data is at local authority level and is taken from APHO.

Modelled adult obesity prevalence 2006 - 2008, Excel Spreadsheet.

Prevalence of chlamydia in under 25 year olds

Date added: 16/08/2013

Prevalence of chlamydia in under 25 year old along with screening numbers for LA and England (2009-2010).

Prevalence of chlamydia in under 25 year olds, Excel Spreadsheet.

Dementia prevalence estimates by district and year

Date added: 27/06/2014

Estimates of the prevalence of various types of dementia by district, every year between 2012 and 2037.

Dementia prevalence estimates by district and year, Excel Spreadsheet.

Visual and hearing impairment predictions 2012 - 2016

Date added: 27/08/2013

Projections for people with visual or hearing impairment at county and district level between 2012-2016. All data comes in 10 year age bands.

Visual and hearing impairment predictions 2012 - 2016, Excel Spreadsheet.

Detailed long term limiting illness data (2011)

Date added: 16/08/2013

Data on long term limiting illnesses (LTLI) with West Sussex at district level.

People with LTLI are categorised by age, and by self assessed health status.

Detailed long term limiting illness data (2011), Excel Spreadsheet.

Falls resulting in hip fracture (proximal femur)

Date added: 07/08/2013

Falls resulting in hip fractures between 2002-2011. All data at district level.

Raw count, indirect standardised rates, and CIs are all given.

Falls resulting in hip fracture (proximal femur), Excel Spreadsheet.

Hip and knee replacements

Date added: 07/08/2013

Hip and Knee Replacements figures between 2002/03 - 2010/11. Figures include raw count, indirect standardisation and confidence intervals. All data at District level and above.

Hip and knee replacements, Excel Spreadsheet.

Comparison between the number of people with a disability or limiting long term illness 2001 - 2011

Date added: 19/07/2013

Comparison between the number of people with a disability or limiting long-term illness (LLTI).

Data is presented for all LSOAs, wards as well as districts and shows the areas that have significantly changed in that 10-year period.

Comparison between the number of people with a disability or limiting long term illness 2001 - 2011, Excel Spreadsheet.

Long term limiting illness and good health by ward

Date added: 31/10/2011

Answers to the health and long term limiting illness questions on the 2001 census by age group by ward, percentages applied to mid year population estimates 2007.

Long term limiting illness and good health by ward, Excel Spreadsheet.

West Sussex Suicide Audit - 2017

Date added: 20/03/2017

In 2014 the West Sussex Public Health department completed an audit which covered all West Sussex suicides and open verdicts likely to be suicides, registered at inquest during the period: 1st January 2011 to 31st December 2012. The information in this audit was used to inform the work of the West Sussex suicide prevention steering group.

This new audit covers the three year period 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2015 and aims to build upon the knowledge generated by the previous audit, ensuring the focus is on information that is not readily available using national data sources.

West Sussex Suicide Audit - 2017, PDF document.

Equality Act update 2013

Date added: 07/02/2014

The Equality Act 2010 identified nine protected characteristics; age, sex, disability, race, religion and belief, gender re-assignment, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation and pregnancy and maternity.

The attached report is an update on population level data sources relating to these characteristics.

Equality Act update 2013, Word document.

General health - Census 2011

Date added: 16/08/2013

2011 Census data on self assessed quality of health by age and sex.

General health - Census 2011, Excel Spreadsheet.

Employment and disability

Date added: 05/08/2013

Economic activity by Long term limiting disability or illness. A comparison between 2001-2011 census data.

Employment and disability, Excel Spreadsheet.